Friday, July 15, 2011

Back blogging.....

Joci isn't using her water wings anymore in the pool!! I'll have to get some pics of her swimming around like a mermaid. She did say yesterday, "When all our stuff gets off the boat maybe I can put my Ariel costume on and swim like Ariel". I just said oh ok!! LOL!! Kaley won't wear water wings(floaties) either because her sister, of course. I can't take my eyes off them and it's little scary!! Kaley just stands on the steps saying I'm swimming I'm swimming. Not sure if you can tell but Joci has skin like her Daddy which darkens really fast to a beautiful tan. Kaley has my skin and will take awhile to tan since I spray her constantly! 

1 comment:

  1. I would get bored and cranky too if I lived near the beach and my momma didn't take me there AT LEAST once a week. Having said that, I'm sure it's a handful for you. Not like you're getting to catch up on your reading (or blogging) with two little ones hanging on.

    How goes the miss rock hard body fitness queen super star quest?? ;-) love love loves! -L
